An initial investment by Oregon BEST established equipment as well as renovations to the physical space. New equipment acquired for this laboratory includes a Batch Viscoelastic Thermal Compression Device and an Eirich High Intensity Concrete Mixer. The GBML facility upgrades converted a large open storage space into viable laboratory and large-scale research test facility. The space includes a walk-in environmental chamber for accelerated aging of concrete specimens, a temperature and humidity controlled concrete mixing room meeting ASTM C 511-09, permanent and moveable stainless steel benchtops and cabinetry. The upgrades to the space also included energy efficient lighting and in-line tankless water heating.
A brand new state-of-the-art accelerated aging chamber called the MCMEC – Multi-Chamber Modular Environmental Conditioning System was installed in February of 2014. This piece of equipment will allow researchers at the GBML to do accelerated aging tests on a wide variety of materials, components and assemblies. The chamber is actually a single unit comprised of three smaller chambers that can be opened to form one large, 1 medium and 1 small or 3 small chambers. All can be operated independently or in concert to provide changing conditions for larger assemblies or components.